We strive to teach our dancers the value of a solid dance education, as well as dance etiquette skills that will be useful throughout life. The studio also also provides the opportunity to teach a variety of other important life-lessons, including self-confidence, improvisation, perseverance, respect, consideration, discipline, appreciation, and the importance of giving one’s heartfelt effort (to name a few). We value all of our wonderful dance families and students - thank you for helping us to reach our goals in a positive way.


  • Parents/Guardians are asked to remain outside of the dance class, as it negatively impacts the dancers’ ability to focus to have family inside the dance studios. Parents are invited to attend class to observe and chat with instructors during Progress Week, otherwise, please wait in the Lounge (for dancers 4 and under) or return for pick up (for dancers 5 and older).

  • No parent/guardian, sibling or friend will be permitted to enter the dance class or interrupt classes in progress, unless it is an emergency.

  • No parent/guardian, sibling or friend will be permitted to enter a studio without a teacher present. This includes studios that do not have classes running - an empty studio does not mean it is open to use.

  • If you need to speak with a teacher, please email when possible. Though all teachers are available to answer questions, they do have a limited amount of time between classes to prepare for the next one and ensure it starts on time.

  • Questions and feedback are always welcome! Please contact us via email info@rhythmmotiondance.com or via our private Facebook Group: facebook.com/groups/RMADparents.

  • Parents/Guardians are asked to set healthy examples for the students by not smoking outside in front of the building.

  • Parents and students are to use appropriate language while in the studio.

  • No outdoor shoes past the entrance.  All outdoor shoes must be placed on the shelves/mats at the entrance to ensure no tripping hazards and maintain safety. Plus, it helps reduce chances of lost footwear. 

  • No horseplay. This includes running around, flip bottle and climbing on the railings. Help us keep everyone safe and help everyone enjoy his or her time at the studio.

  • Please label shoes and other personal items and do not bring valuables to the studio.

  • Please clean up after yourselves (parent/guardian, dancer, sibling or friend, etc).

Dancer Conduct

Proper dance etiquette is essential to the education of a dancer. Please ensure all dancers are familiar and understand the following rules to ensure the best environment for students and teachers:

  • Dancers are expected to be respectful and courteous to others at all times while in the studio building or representing the studio (recitals, competitions, community events etc.).

  • Dancers are not permitted in dance studios until teachers are present, for the safety of students.

  • Dancers should aim to arrive at least 10 minutes early to prepare appropriately for class. Tardiness reduces the amount of time the dancer has to perfect the intricacies of their dance technique.

  • Eyes and attention must always be on the teacher. Talking, leaning on the barre, practicing moves while the teacher is speaking, leaving class before it is over, etc, are distracting and negatively impacts the learning experience.

  • Dancers are to come to class dressed in appropriate dance wear, as noted in our Dress Code. Proper dance wear enables the teacher to see the dancers' positions and movement in order to give necessary corrections for the benefit of the dancer's education.

    • If dancers are dancing in multiple classes in one night, please ensure you have the correct shoes, hair tied back, leotard & tights (girls)/shirt & pants or shorts (boys). You do not need to change tight colours between classes.


At Rhythm & Motion Academy of Dance there is a NO BULLYING policy in effect at all time. No student or teacher shall engage in any type of bullying at any time. All persons in the studio will be treated with respect and dignity.

 If a person feels bullied in the studio at any time, that person is encouraged to report the incident(s) of bullying to a teacher and / or parent immediately.

Actions will be taken to remediate bullying. An act of bullying will not be tolerated and could result in the student being expelled from Rhythm & Motion Academy of Dance.

Acts of bullying include any physical contact with the intent to harm, verbal harassment, and physical harassment, spreading rumours about other students and or teachers, ignoring other students and or teachers by singling someone out.


We are a peanut free studio, due to allergies.  Let's work together to ensure all students can have a safe and enjoyable dance experience. 

  • Please inform us ASAP of any allergies we need to be aware of, including if your child requires an EPI pen, and if so, where the pen is located (IE front of pocket of dance bag). Email info@rhythmmotiondance.com with details.

Dancers often need to eat while at the studio, before or between classes. Please ensure they clean up after including putting all garbage in the garbage, wipe up crumbs/spills, put food bags/containers away (in their bags or lockers). Food is to remain in the lounge and is not to be brought into the dance studios.

No perishable food is to be left at the studio overnight, including dirty dishes/containers. Any found will be put in the garbage for sanitary reasons.

Snow Days | Inclement Weather | Cancellations | Closures

If the local schools have announced that school buses are cancelled on a particular day due to inclement weather, the studio will remain open, at the Studio Directors discretion. Students and parents will have the option to come to the studio if they choose to. On a "snow day" no new choreography will be taught, but will be a class for students to continue to work on technique and the dances they have learned so far. No make up classes or refunds will be offered if the studio does need to close.

The Season Calendar has taken into account closures due to completion weekends. Up to 4 additional days of classes may be cancelled due to competition dates, once the final schedules are received for the competitions (these will be provided to the instructors closer to March).  This has been taken into consideration with class pricing and if these days are cancelled, they will not be made up.

If the studio must cancel classes due to illness, all efforts to schedule a make-up class before the end of the season will be made.  In the event that Recreational classes were cancelled and a make-up class could not be scheduled, then a pro-rated refund will be offered (Competition classes excluded).

If the studio is forced to close due to an event out of the studio's control (ie. war, pandemic, natural disaster, etc.) digital options will be provided (live or recorded). There will be no refunds or credits. 


Funding Options:

AT RMAD, we want every child to have the opportunity to enjoy dance! We encourage families to review the variety of funding available, pending criteria eligibility. Options and details in the links below:

Payment Options:

You may choose to pay your invoice in full or split it into payments. Your full payment or first payment must be made before the first week of dance to be considered registered and secure your dancer’s spot in the season.

If you choose to pay your fees via instalments:

  1. Monthly: split your total into equal monthly payments starting September 1st and ending December 1st.

  2. Twice Monthly: split your total into equal payments twice monthly, on the 1st and 15th of each month, starting September 1st and ending December 15th.


If payments are missed and no other arrangement has been made with Dana or Miss Alison, then the credit card on file will be processed resulting in a fee of 3.4% + $0.15.

If 2 payments are missed and no arrangement has been made with Dana or Miss Alison, then the dancer will not be allowed to participate until the payments are made and the account is brought up to good standing.

If you do not have a credit card at registration time, then post-dated cheques are required before the first week of dance.

Payments can be made by:

  1. E-transfer: We are strongly encouraging parents to pay with e-transfers to rmadbyalison@gmail.com to avoid any transaction fees (always enter the student’s name in the note section).

  2. PayPall: Also strongly encouraged. Click here to make a payment.

  3. Credit card (additional 2.6% + $0.10 fee for each transaction in person, additional 3.4% + $0.15 fee for each transaction completed virtually,)

  4. Debit Visa (additional 0.75% + $0.07 fee for each transaction in person).

  5. Post-dated cheques made out to RMAD that must be provided at registration.

NSF cheques will be subject a charge of $50.00. An additional 5% monthly late fee on the remaining balance of that month will be added for any NSF cheques or late payments until fees are brought to balance.

Raffle Ticket Fee

If there is a Raffle Ticket fundraiser, the fee is paid directly to the RMAD Fundraising Committee, thus it will not appear on your RMAD invoice. Raffle tickets cannot be picked up until the fee is paid. Full details will be shared once the Fundraising Committee has organized the fundraising events for the season.

Delinquent Accounts

Accounts that are 2 payments or more in arrears will result in dance services being withheld. Dancer(s) will not be permitted back to class until the account is brought up to date.


The season includes a Winter Showcase Recital in December and Spring Recitals at the end of the season. There may be more than one showing of each recital, to allow as many families to see their dancers perform. This means there may be a morning/afternoon performance and then a second one later in the day. There may also be a Competition Showcase for the Competition Team.

Depending on class sizes/schedules:

  • The Winter Recital may consist of only some Recreational classes for all age groups, Boogies Babies, Kinder Acro, Tiny Tap and Mini Movers.

  • The Spring Recital may consist of Recreational classes for all age groups, Boogies Babies, Kinder Acro, Tiny Tap, Mini Movers and a few of the top-scoring Competition numbers.

Recital tickets are dependant on venue costs, and are at least $20 each. Anyone entering the auditorium will require a ticket.

Volunteering at recitals is an easy way to ensure a great recital while earning your Volunteer Commitment Fee. 


Winter Showcase Recital costumes are not covered by fundraising, however RMAD is happy to loan these out to dancers, for a small fee. These costumes are purchased by the studio and are the property of RMAD, thus students may not keep showcase costumes. Accessories or pieces in addition to the costume may be required to be purchased/provided by the students/parents, at their cost. Winter Showcase costumes must be returned after the recital in the same condition received. Missing or damaged costumes will require a replacement fee paid.

Parents may be required to purchase costumes for the Spring recital. RMAD aims to order these costumes and invoice no later than January. Fundraising efforts will help offset these costs (the more fundraising all families support, the more all families save). Spring Recital costumes are yours to keep after recital. 

Students cannot take costumes home until payment for costumes are made in full.

Fundraising & Volunteer Fee

All families (recreational and competitive) can participate in fundraising to help offset cost of costumes (for recitals and/or comp) and competition registration fees.  There will be many fundraisers throughout the year. Dancers and their families are encouraged to participate in as many as possible!

The more families that volunteer and participate in extra fundraising efforts = more savings for all families. There may be separate fundraising for recreational families and competition families and we encourage all families to support each other so we can all help reduce extra costs.

As a studio, we can help reduce costs greatly! 

Click here for full fundraising and volunteer fee details.

Credits or Refunds

Class prices listed are per season. Our seasons runs between September and April, breaking at holidays and school closures. You can view our Season Calendar for the most current important dates. If you have questions about changing classes, credits or refunds, please email info@rhythmmotiondance.com

  • Technique/Recreational classes fees:

    • Students may choose to transfer classes within 30 days of the start of the season.

    • Students may withdraw from classes within 30 days of the start of the season (a pro-rated refund on class fees will be given).

  • Competition class and registration fees:

    • Once acceptance of the Competition Team invite is submitted and payments started, there will be no refunds on comp classes or other comp-related fees. Full competition fees and any ordered costumes will be the responsibility of the families, as they are non-refundable by the competitions/suppliers.

    • Travel costs and accommodations for each competition are the responsibility of the parent.

The following fees are non-refundable at any time:

  • Volunteer Commitment fee

  • Recital/showcase tickets

  • Other classes like summer classes and dance camps.

  • Costume fees

  • Competition team fees or registration fees

  • Video or photo fees

As of January 1st of the current season there will be NO REFUNDS on any fees/costs.

Please see the “Snow Days | Inclement Weather | Cancellations | Closures” section on this page for details on those items.

Competition Team

In addition to the above policies, the competition team have a few more policies in place. To learn more, click here: